Texas League Play
Date: May 29–31, 2025
Host Club: Tapatio Springs Hill Country Resort
TGA Staff Contact: Justin Guthrie, Senior Tournament Director

Texas League Play was created in 2006 to provide an opportunity for TGA member facilities to play against each other in a team match play competition each spring. Regional conferences are formed all across the state and consist of four teams representing four different clubs from the area. A league play conference may be established anywhere in the state where there are four TGA member clubs who are interested in competing against each other in a six match regular season. Each team will host three matches, and will play an away match against each opponent at their course. By utilizing the WHS® Handicap System, the TGA can provide a fair competition that is enjoyable for a variety of ages and skill levels. League Play matches are a great opportunity for your club and members to participate in a fun and exciting team competition with other clubs in your area.
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Entry & Eligibility Information
Entries Open: Wednesday, January 8, 2025 at 9:00 AM
Entries Close: Wednesday, February 26, 2025 at 5:00 PM
Entry Fee: $600 (per team)
Entry Procedure: A team wishing to participate in Texas League Play must register and pay the entry fee through Golf Genius. The entry fee must be paid through Golf Genius via credit card. Alternative payments methods will not be accepted.
Club Eligibility: Open to all TGA member clubs who own/operate at least one 18-hole regulation length golf course. The club must have a current and valid USGA® Course Rating/Slope™ issued by the TGA in the last 10 years. The club must follow all TGA membership policies and be in compliance with the USGA club license agreement. Each club must have a certified handicap chairman and have completed the required TGA or USGA handicap seminar training. To ensure your club has met all the necessary requirements, you may call the TGA Membership Services Department.
Player Eligibility: Open to male amateur golfers and club professionals who meet the following:
- Club Membership: Amateur golfers must be full dues paying golf members of the club by the start of the regular season.
- WHS: A player must have an active GHIN® number that is listed on the clubs handicap roster.
- Score History: A player must contain at least 10 scores in the previous year’s WHS scoring history.
- Age: A player must be 21 years of age by the date of the match they wish to participate in.
Club Professional Staff Eligibility: A member of the club’s professional golf staff who is a full-time employee of the club is encouraged to participate. Only one professional is eligible to play per match. Should the professional decide to play, he will be required to play in the scratch four-ball match. Touring Professionals belonging to a club, are ineligible to participate. A golf staff professional is required to be receiving a “paycheck” from the club. Teaching Professionals working at the club may not be eligible if they’re only using the club to teach.
Host Club Responsibilities
Tee Times: The host club is responsible for making sure the matches begin at the established starting time. The club should communicate the playing order if different than the pairings sheet.
Paperwork: The host club is responsible for printing and providing the following documents to each play before the matches: Scorecards with handicap strokes, pairings sheet, pace of place guidelines, and Local Rule sheet.
Scoreboard: The host club must provide a scoreboard or scoring area to identify when a match is considered final. Scores and match results posted in the Team Matches Portal are considered to be final and should reflect the outcome of the matches. If the results shown on the Team Match Portal are incorrect, it is the winning team captains responsibility to reach out to the TGA immediately.
Regular Season Information
TGA Staff Contact: Justin Guthrie, Senior Tournament Director
Teams/Conferences: Each team will be comprised of eight (8) players, including one (1) club professional. Conferences will be comprised of four (4) teams all representing different clubs. Teams will establish their own conferences by coordinating with other clubs in the area.
League Schedule: The regular season will be played March 5 – May 11, 2025 and will consist of six matches. All regular season matches (including any make ups or rain outs) must be complete by Sunday, May 11, 2025. Each conference will set their own schedule by team captain’s & club professional’s coordinating with the other teams. Once the final schedule is set, a conference representative will send the schedule to the TGA for posting to the website. Schedule’s must be submitted by Friday, February 28, 2025.
Rules of Play: The USGA and R&A Rules of Golf, Texas League Play Policies & Procedures, Texas League Play Notice to Players, and host club Local Rules will govern play.
Substitutions: Within 24 hours of the match, substitutions must be communicated directly with the opposing club’s team captain or club professional. The TGA must also be made aware of the substitution. A substitution must be made in the League Play module and place in the correct lineup position.
Match Format: A team match will consist of four (4) four-ball matches. One (1) scratch matches and three (3) handicapped matches will be played. Teams and pairings must be arranged by handicap index, low to high. Any player can play in the first match and if a club professional is playing he must play in the first scratch match. The other three (3) handicapped matches will be played off the lowest handicap player in each match. For example, in a match Player A is a 2 handicap, Player B is a 4 handicap, Player C is a 6 handicap, and Player D is a 8 handicap. The match would be played off Player A’s handicap as he is the lowest in the match group. Player A would receive 0 strokes, Player B would receive 2 strokes, Player C 4 strokes and Player D 6 strokes.
Tees: Matches 1 & 2 will be played from the tees which is closest to the target yardage of 6,800 yards. Matches 3 & 4 will be played from the tees which is closest to the target yardage of 6,500 yards. In the scratch match (Match 1) if all players in the match agree, it may be played from a yardage greater than 6,800 yards.
Scoring: All matches will be worth three points each, using a NASSAU point system. One (1) point is awarded for a win on the front 9, one (1) point for the back 9, and one (1) for the overall 18 for a total of 3 match points. Any ties are worth 0.5 points to each side. The team earning 6.5 points or more out of the possible 12 points is the team match winner.
Conference Winners: Conference winners will be decided by the team’s overall regular season record. Points accumulated through he regular season will be used to determine playoff bracket seeding.
Playoffs: Texas League Play Playoffs will take place May 29 – 31, 2025 at Tapatio Springs Hill Country Resort. Conference champions will be invited to compete in the single elimination style playoff event.
Rules Questions/Infraction: The TGA Championship Department will have final say on rules situations should they arise. Questions regarding the Rules or match outcomes must be called into the TGA prior to submitting match results. Issues regarding eligibility will be handled by the TGA on a case-by-case basis.
Forfeits: A forfeit will be scored as a loss to the team forfeiting team and a win to the opponent. Forfeits are detrimental to the overall success of the league. The inability to field a full team, or lack of interest once a team has been eliminated from playoff contention are not acceptable reason to forfeit a match. If a team is granted a forfeited victory, the match will be scored 6.5 to 5.5 in favor of the opponent. Circumstances causing a forfeit will be reviewed by the TGA Championship Committee for possible suspension from future Texas League Play participation.
Cancellation/Withdraws: If a team withdraws from Texas League Play anytime after the regular season schedule has been set, the team will be subject to a Texas League Play suspension and forfeit their entry fee for the current season.
Playoff Information
Date: May 29 – 31, 2025
Host Club: Tapatio Springs Hill Country Resort
Address: 1 Resort Way, Boerne, TX 78006
Phone: (855) 627-2243
TGA Staff Contact: Justin Guthrie, Senior Tournament Director
Host Hotel: Tapatio Springs Hill Country Resort (TGA Texas League Playoffs – Booking link )
Policies & Procedures
To ensure competitors the best experience during Texas League Play, it is helpful to be knowledgeable of Texas League Play Policies & Procedures.
Wednesday, January 8
9:00 AM – Registration Open
Wednesday, February 26
5:00 PM – Registration Close
Friday, February 28
5:00 PM – Deadline to Submit Schedule
Wednesday, March 5
Regular Season Starts
Sunday, May 11 (Mother’s Day)
Regular Season Ends
Wednesday, May 28
12:00 PM – Unofficial Practice Rounds (#1 Tee)
Thursday, May 29
7:30 AM – First Round Matches Begin (#1 Tee)
Friday, May 30
7:30 AM – Quarter-final Matches Begin (#1 Tee)
Saturday, May 31
7:30 AM – Semi-final Matches Begin (#1 Tee)
1:30 PM – Championship Match Begin (#1 Tee)
Following Play – Awards Presentation
What is Texas League Play?
The TGA created Texas League Play in 2006 as a way for member clubs to engage in a fun and friendly competition against one another each spring. Teams compete in conferences made up of four different clubs in a home and away series with each club for a total of six regular season matches. The team with the best conference record then advances to compete against other conference winners from across the state for the overall title.
Who Can Play?
Open to all TGA member clubs who own/operate at least one 18-hole regulation length golf course. The club must have a current and valid USGA® Course Rating/Slope™ issued by the TGA in the last 10 years. The club must follow all TGA membership policies and be in compliance with the USGA club license agreement. Each club must have a certified Handicap chairman and have completed the required TGA or USGA Handicap seminar training. To ensure your club has met all the necessary requirements, you may call the TGA Membership Services Department.
What Does It Take Place?
Registration for the Texas League Play Regular Season opens in early January and closes in late February. The regular season will follow starting in early March and finish in early May. The playoffs will take place the last weekend in May.
What Is The Format?
A team match consist of 8 players from a team competing in four (4) separate four-ball matches against the opposing club. Each four-ball match is worth a total of 3 points using a NASSAU scoring system. The team earning 6.5 or more points out of the 12 available, wins the overall team match. A member of the clubs professional staff who is a full-time employee of the club is encouraged to participate.
Are Handicaps Used?
Yes. The first four-ball match is played at scratch with no strokes given or received but all other matches will be Net. When playing in a Handicapped match (matches 2-3) all players will be given strokes based on the low Handicap Index® for the group. For example, if Player A is a 2 Handicap, Player B is a 4 Handicap, Player C is a 6 Handicap, and Player D a 8 Handicap, strokes would be adjusted off Player A as he is low man in the group. Player A would receive 0 strokes, Player B 2 strokes, Player C 4 strokes, and Player D 6 strokes.
How Are Conferences Formed?
Clubs will establish their own conference by contacting three other clubs they wish to compete against during the regular season. If all four clubs agree, an entry form must be submitted to the TGA by the entry deadline. All team in the conference must register. If a club wishes to participate but does not have a conference, the TGA will assist with establishing a conference.
Where Are Conferences Established?
In the past, conferences have been established in Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, San Antonio and West Texas, however conferences can be established anywhere as long as there are four TGA member clubs are willing to participate with each other.
Conference winners earn an invitation to participate in the League Play Playoffs which is a single elimination tournament.
a. The World Handicap System (WHS) will govern all handicap indexes.
b. Under the Rules of Handicapping (Rule 1.3(i)), a player is expected to:
i. Act with integrity by following the Rules of Handicapping and to refrain from using, or circumventing, the Rules of Handicapping for the purpose of gaining an unfair advantage,
ii. Attempt to make the best score possible at each hole,
iii. Submit acceptable scores for handicap purposes as soon as possible after a round is completed and before midnight local time,
iv. Submit acceptable scores to provide reasonable evidence of their demonstrated ability,
v. Play by the Rules of Golf, and
vi. Certify the scores of fellow players.
c. Golf Club/Handicap Committee (Rule 1.3(ii)), a club is expected to:
i. A golf club is affiliated to its Authorized Association and is responsible for ensuring the Handicap Index of those members who have designated it to be their home club is administered in accordance with the requirements of the Rules of Handicapping.
ii. A Handicap Committee is established by a golf club and is responsible for ensuring compliance with the golf club’s specified obligations and responsibilities under the Rules of Handicapping.
d. Manipulation of handicap indexes will not be tolerated. WHS issues should be communicated to the Texas Golf Association (TGA). All issues will be reviewed by the TGA Championship Committee and subject to appropriate disciplinary actions.
2. ENTRY FEE/FORM: $600 per team.
a. A team participating in Texas League Play must submit an official Entry Form via the Golf Genius registration link to secure a position in the league.
b. A club must submit payment via credit card on the Golf Genius registration page. Alternative payment methods (checks/invoices) will not be accepted.
c. All entry fees must be paid by the registration close date.
3. CLUB ELIGIBILITY: Open to any current TGA member club in good standing meeting the following criteria:
a. TYPE 1 Club: Owns / operates at least one 18-hole golf course measuring at least 6,500 yards. 9- Hole facilities are not eligible for Texas League Play.
b. COURSE RATING: Has a current and valid USGA course rating / slope issued by the TGA within last 10 years.
c. HANDICAP SYSTEM: Utilizes the WHS for issuing / maintaining handicaps for members.
d. HANDICAP COMPLIANCE: Has a designated handicap committee in place as required by the TGA membership agreement and the USGA Rules of Handicapping.
4. PLAYER ELIGIBILITY: Open to male amateur golfers and male Club Staff Professionals who meet the following criteria:
a. CLUB MEMBERSHIP: Amateur players must be full dues paying active golf members in good standing with the club and appear on the handicap roster by the start of the regular season.
b. GHIN #: All amateur players must have an active GHIN number with an established WHS Handicap Index at the club they are representing.
c. SCORE HISTORY: A player’s GHIN score history must contain at least 10 scores posted within in the previous calendar year.
d. CLUB STAFF PROFESSIONALS: A member of the club’s professional golf staff who is a full-time employee of the club is encouraged to participate. Only one Club Staff Professional is eligible to play per match. Should the Club Staff Professional decide to play, he will be required to play in the scratch four-ball match. Touring Professionals belonging to a club are ineligible to participate. A Club Staff Professional is required to receive a “paycheck” from the club. Independent Teaching Professionals, not employed by the club, are not eligible.
e. AGE: Players and club staff professionals must be at least 21 years of age as of the date of the match in which they wish to participate.
f. COLLEGE PLAYERS: A player that is listed on a College Golf roster, regardless of division, may not represent a club during the season and playoffs.
g. MAXIMUM STROKES ALLOCATED: The maximum strokes allocated for a match will be 18.4. If a player has a handicap index higher than 18.4, he will not receive additional strokes beyond the maximum 18.4.
h. MULTIPLE CLUBS: Should a player be a member of two clubs that are participating in Texas League Play, he is deemed to have played for a club once he puts a ball into play with the club he is playing with. He is not allowed to play for any other club during that season.
a. The player and the Handicap Committee have joint responsibility for adhering to the Rules of Handicapping including, but not limited to the following basic guidelines: each player will try to make the best score on every hole in every round, regardless of where the round is played, and that the player will submit every acceptable score for peer review.
b. As a part of peer review, the Club’s Handicap Committee must make the scoring record of members accessible to all other members for the certification of scores. This may be accomplished through handicap software provided by the club (i.e., mobile app or online application).
A Side in Breach of Section 4: Player Eligibility will forfeit the match, and all three points will be awarded to the opposing team.
a. NUMBER OF PLAYERS: A team will be comprised of 8 players for each match.
b. ROSTER: There is no limit to the size of a team’s roster, provided they meet the player eligibility requirements set forth in Section 4: Player Eligibility.
c. NUMBER OF TEAMS PER CLUB: Each Club is permitted to register one team per course on the facility. However, players are not permitted to play on multiple teams.
a. NUMBER OF TEAMS: Conferences will be comprised of 4 teams all representing different clubs.
b. SELECTION OF TEAMS: Teams will establish their own conference by coordinating with other clubs on their own.
a. Clubs will be allowed to set their own schedule once the conference is established. Dates may be moved from these dates so long as all teams agree. Teams within the conference should establish a “standard” day of the week for the matches to be played and adhere to scheduling matches on that day as much as possible. Any deviation from the established schedule requires both club’s consent and the TGA must be notified.
b. All regular season matches can be started once a schedule has been accepted and approved by the TGA. All regular season matches must be completed by the end of the established regular season. Any matches not played will be recorded as a 6-6 tie. Clubs must make a reasonable effort to complete their matches within the deadline. Matches will not take place after the deadline.
c. To fit all matches within the deadline, more than one match may be played during a given week so long as both teams agree.
The Team Captains are instrumental in the success of the league. Captains are responsible for fielding a team each match, submitting lineups and posting results. In addition, the team captain should use discretion when choosing players and select those who represent the club in a positive manner.
a. MATCH SCHEDULING: The team captains are responsible for setting the regular season schedule by coordinating with the other team captains within the conference. Once schedules are determined they must be submitted to the TGA by the published schedule entry deadline.
b. MATCH ARRANGEMENTS: Team captains must communicate with the other team captains within the conference prior to the start of the season to establish the following:
- If any guest fees will be charged and payment collection method at your club,
- Tee times for matches played at each club (a standard time for all matches is preferred),
- Acceptable pace of play for each club,
- Caddies (if caddies are required, what the fees are and gratuity policy),
- Tipping policy for outside service staff,
- Acceptable forms of payment (cash, credit card, reciprocal charge) for carts, food and beverage, golf balls, etc., and
- Cell phone policy at your club.
a. The team captains will be invited to the Team Captain Portal by the TGA. A how-to guide will be provided for each captain with instructions to navigate the portal.
b. The winning team’s captain is responsible for posting the match results in the Team Captain Portal. All match results must be submitted to the portal within 48 hours of the completed match.
c. Additional details regarding scoring are outlined in Section 18: SCORING
a. TEE TIMES: The Host Club is responsible for making sure the matches begin at the established time and determining the order of play. The club should communicate the playing order to their opponent ahead of the match.
b. PAPERWORK: The Host Club should make the following paperwork available to every player on the day of competition: Scorecards with Handicap Strokes, Pairings Sheet, Pace of Play Guidelines and Local Rules Sheet.
c. SCOREBOARD: The Host Club must utilize some form of scoreboard or scoring area where match results will be reported.
d. FOOD AND BEVERAGE: If your conference has agreed upon providing any F&B post-match, these arrangements should be made ahead of time and communicated to all players, so guests know where to go after the round and feel welcome.
a. If a match is suspended due to the weather and cannot be resumed on the same date, it should be made up as soon as possible. It is the responsibility of the host team captain to find dates that work with the opposing team captain. Once a date is agreed to by both captains, that date is final. Teams must be willing to sacrifice certain days/times to complete the matches by the deadline.
b. Generally, the captains should decide to re-start the match all together or continue from where the suspended match left off. If all four matches have played at least nine holes, then the matches must be resumed from the previous positions.
c. In the instance that a suspended match cannot be rescheduled, and all matches have completed at least nine holes in their respective matches, the match is considered official, and the team who has earned the most points from current matches will be the winner. Points will be awarded based on current point standing regardless of if the back 9 or overall matches have been completed. Decisions to resume or cancel play should be made on site by a committee of three – the two team captains and the host club professional who is on site at the time.
d. If all matches haven’t completed at least nine holes and a reasonable effort was made by both clubs to find a reschedule date, then the match will be scored as a 6-6 tie. A match can only be cancelled if both captains agree, or the club is closed. Cart Path only is not an acceptable reason to cancel a match.
12. GUEST / COURSE FEE: Each club should agree to the same conference-wide standard guest fee amount. Billing / collecting this guest fee amount from the visiting team is the responsibility of the Host Club.
13. GENERAL RULES OF PLAY: The Rules of Golf, Texas League Play Policies & Procedures, and the Host Club’s Local Rules will govern play. Host Club Local Rules must be made available to all visiting clubs.
a. Within 24 hours of the match, substitutions must be communicated directly with the opposing club’s captain or golf professional and submitted in the Team Captain Portal. A substitute must be placed into the correct position within the lineup.
b. In accordance with the Rules of Golf, Rule 23.4, a side may be represented by one partner for all or any part of a match. A partner may join a match between holes but not during play of a hole.
a. *Each player will establish a Low Handicap Index (Low H.I.) based on the players’ Low Handicap Index. This index will be used for the duration of Texas League Play’s regular season and ensuing playoffs.
b. *The players’ Low H.I. will be adjusted 90% based on course rating/slope and tees being played.
c. *Match handicaps will be established based on the low man in the group. For example, if Player A is a 2 Low H.I., Player B a 4 Low H.I., Player C a 6 Low H.I., and Player D an 8 Low H.I., the strokes will be distributed as follows. Player A, being the low man in the group, will get 0 strokes, Player B will get 2 strokes, Player C will get 4 strokes, and Player D will get 6 strokes.
a. Each player will compete in a Four-Ball Match.
b. Match 1 will be a scratch match and Matches 2, 3, and 4 will be handicapped.
c. *Any player can play in Match 1 regardless of Low H.I. If a golf staff professional is playing, the golf staff professional must be designated and play in the scratch match (Match 1).
d. *For Matches 2, 3, and 4, players are listed by Low H.I., from lowest to highest. If two or more players have the same Low H.I., they may be placed in the order that the captain chooses. Note: A player’s Low H.I. could be different from the player’s course/playing index for the match.
A Side in Breach of Section 16: Match Format will forfeit the match, and all three points will be awarded to the opposing team.
17. TEES
a. Matches 1-2 (Players 1A through 2B) will play from the tees which is closest to the target yardage of 6,800 yards.
b. Matches 3-4 (Players 3A through 4B) will play from the tees closest to the target yardage of 6,500 yards.
c. *All yardages are subject to course availability. Yardages can be adjusted based on various weather conditions. All changes must be communicated to the opposing team’s captain.
a. One (1) point is awarded for a win on the front 9, one (1) for the back 9, and one (1) for the overall match for a total of three (3) points in each match. A tie is worth ½ point to each side. There are a total of 12 points available for the overall match. The team to earn 6 ½ or more points is the winner.
b. In the event of rain causing the match to stop reference Section 11: Rain Outs.
c. The winning team captain is responsible for submitting the match results via the portal.
d. Scores and match results are considered final once confirmed with the TGA. All disputes must be resolved before the match results are posted to the Team Captain Portal.
e. If different / incorrect results show in the portal, it is the team captain’s responsibility to contact the TGA immediately to review the results.
f. Once match results are considered final, there will be no adjustment to the outcome of the match, unless there is a breach of Section 4: Player Eligibility.
a. A club wins their conference when it has the best overall record in the conference. Points will only matter regarding playoff seeding and tiebreaking.
b. If two teams tie for the best record, the tie will be broken by the following order:
i. Head-to-head record,
ii. Points earned against team they are tied with, or
iii. Points earned in away matches.
c. If there are three or more teams tied for the best record, the team with most overall points wins the conference (if two clubs have identical points, those two clubs will use the above-mentioned tie-breaking method).
d. In the event of a tie after all the above conditions are met, and the opportunity to accumulate points is not equal due to an 18-hole match being condensed to only 9 holes, then the tie should be decided via a playoff if practicable. The playoff would be run like that of the League Play Playoffs, i.e., sudden death match played at scratch. The host site of the Playoff will be chosen by lot.
a. Should Texas League Play have 16 conferences, all conference winners will be invited to the playoffs. Teams must play in at least three matches in the Regular Season to advance to the Playoffs.
i. Should a conference winner elect to not participate in the Playoffs, the runner-up from the same conference will be invited. Following the runner-up would be the third-place team and then the fourth-place team. If none of the teams from the conference elect to play the spot will be given using the criteria in Section 19: Conference Winners/Ties.
b. Should there be more than 16 conferences participating, the following steps will be used to determine which teams advance to the playoffs.
i. At the completion of registration, the TGA will divide the state into Four Regions: West Texas, DFW, Houston, and Hill Country (Austin & San Antonio). Each region is guaranteed to have the four top point earners advance to the League Play Playoffs.
ii. If one of the Four Regions does not have four conference winners, the next conference winner with the highest point total across all four regions will earn an invitation into the playoffs. If the point totals are tied with another Conference Winner across the state, the Playoff Seeding Tiebreaking (below) will determine who will receive the invitation.
iii. There will not be a consolation bracket set up. However, additional playing opportunities at a discounted rate will be made available to teams once eliminated.
c. Should there be less than 16 conferences participating, or if all four teams in a conference elect to not participate, the following steps will be used to invite additional teams to the Texas League Play Playoffs to fill a 16-team bracket.
i. At the completion of the regular season, any team that does not win their respective conference will be ranked by their total number of points accumulated throughout the regular season. In the event in which total points are tied, the following criteria in Section 19: Conference Winners/Ties will be used to break the tie. The process will be repeated until the playoff field is full of 16 teams.
d. Playoff seeds will be determined by the total number of points accumulated. In an event in which the total points are tied, the following criteria will be used to break the tie:
i. Overall Record,
ii. Last Three Matches (by date) total points,
iii. Last Two Matches (by date) total points, or
iv. Last Match Played (by date) total points.
e. A team may use different players for the different playoff matches, provided they have played in at least one regular season conference match.
a. The TGA Championship department will have the final say on any Rules questions that arise.
b. Questions regarding the Rules or match outcomes must be reported to the TGA prior to the finalizing of any match results.
c. Any issues regarding a player’s eligibility shall be dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
a. If a team withdraws any time after the conference schedule has been set, they will be subject to a one-year suspension from TGA League Play and will forfeit their entry fee for that season.
b. If a team withdraws from the conference, all remaining matches will be forfeited. The forfeited matches will be scored as outlined in Section 23: Forfeits.
c. If two or more teams withdraw from a conference the conference will be subject to termination.
d. Any circumstances causing a team to withdraw from Texas League Play will be subject to review by the TGA Championship Committee for possible suspensions from future participation.
a. Forfeits are detrimental to the overall success of the league. The inability to field a full team of 8 players, or the lack of interest once a team has been eliminated from advancing to the playoffs are not acceptable reasons to forfeit a match.
b. A forfeit shall be scored as a loss to the forfeiting team and a win to the opponent.
c. If a team is granted a forfeited victory, the victorious team will be given a 6.5 to 5.5 victory.
d. Any circumstances causing a forfeit will be subject to review by the TGA Championship Committee for possible suspension from future participation.
*Indicates change for the 2025 Texas League Play Season
Tournament Updates

DeCordova Bend CC Repeats as 2024 Texas League Play Champions
Granbury’s DeCordova Bend Country Club goes back-to-back as champions of Texas League Play. The club defeated Barton Creek Country Club 11.5 to 0.5 during Sunday’s Championship matches. Since the inception of Texas League Play in 2006, this will be the fifth time that DeCordova Bend CC will claim top honors to this unique team four-ball format.

Texas League Play Championship Playoffs Start May 30
Hyatt Hill Country Golf Club in San Antonio will be the host site for the 2024 Texas League Play Championship Playoffs. The 16-team, single-elimination bracket tournament will be held from May 30 through June 2. This will be the second year in a row Hyatt Hill Country...
1 Resort Way, Boerne, TX 78006
(855) 627-2243 | website
Tournament Updates

DeCordova Bend CC Repeats as 2024 Texas League Play Champions
Granbury’s DeCordova Bend Country Club goes back-to-back as champions of Texas League Play. The club defeated Barton Creek Country Club 11.5 to 0.5 during Sunday’s Championship matches. Since the inception of Texas League Play in 2006, this will be the fifth time that DeCordova Bend CC will claim top honors to this unique team four-ball format.

Texas League Play Championship Playoffs Start May 30
Hyatt Hill Country Golf Club in San Antonio will be the host site for the 2024 Texas League Play Championship Playoffs. The 16-team, single-elimination bracket tournament will be held from May 30 through June 2. This will be the second year in a row Hyatt Hill Country...