Youth on Course
Youth on Course gives juniors, ages 6-18, access to play golf for $5 or less at courses throughout the state.

The Texas Golf Association Foundation launched the Youth on Course program in the San Antonio area in 2020, and in 2021 expanded to include DFW and Austin. Today, the Youth on Course program is all over Texas giving juniors access to play golf for $5 or less at courses all over the state!
Youth on Course is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that provides youth with access to life-changing opportunities through golf. Members have the opportunity to participate in a variety of programs as juniors and be a part of an Alumni Network for those 19 and older. The Alumni Network offers opportunities for young adults to connect at complementary events, find jobs, and much more.
Please Note: It can take up to 72 Hours for your membership to process and sync with the Youth on Course app to get a digital membership card. Please download the Youth on Course app and fill out the required info to get your digital membership card.

FAQs Do you have additional questions? Contact Kelly Kilgo at 214-468-8942 or
What areas of Texas can I find a Youth On Course program?
San Antonio, Austin, DFW, Houston, West Texas and more. Keep checking this page and the participating courses we have to see what is new.
Are there any restrictions for playing?
Yes. Many courses set time restrictions for when Youth on Course members can play for $5 or less. Please check the map for restrictions and call ahead to make a tee time. You may also find a complete directory of courses in the Youth on Course Member App.
Does the junior have to pay for range balls or a cart?
Yes. Youth on Course does not cover range balls or carts, and we encourage our members to walk.
How long does my membership last?
Memberships are valid for one calendar year (365 days) from the exact date you sign up for membership.
What if I forgot my card?
We do not do hard cards any more. You can access a digital copy of your card in the Youth on Course Member App and that will be the card you show at the course. Your GHIN number is your Membership number.
When will I get a membership card?
See above. We will not do hard cards any more. Download the Youth On Course app for a digital membership card.
How do I play golf for $5 or less?
After joining, you will download your membership card on the Youth On Course app. Bring this to the course during the designated Youth on Course times and you will play for $5 or less.
When will I get my membership number?
After you signup, you will receive an email with your GHIN number, which is your membership number and a link to complete the online curriculum. If you already have a handicap number from another club be sure to sign up with that number to avoid being assigned a new one.