From the host at registration to the referee in the scoring tent, volunteers give back to the game with dedicated time, knowledge, and experience. These enthusiasts spend early mornings and long afternoons at the golf course upholding the integrity and traditions of the game with pride and precision.

From the host at registration to the referee in the scoring tent, volunteers give back to the game with dedicated time, knowledge, and experience. These enthusiasts spend early mornings and long afternoons at the golf course upholding the integrity and traditions of the game with pride and precision.

The Texas Golf Association is licensed by the United States Golf Association (USGA)® as the governing body for amateur golf in the state of Texas. The association is responsible for rating and measuring all golf courses in the state as well as administering and overseeing the World Handicap System (WHS)™.
Course Rating Volunteer
A TGA Course Rating Team is comprised of a team captain and trained volunteers who are assigned courses within their geographic region. Texas is divided into nine separate regions for course rating purposes.
The course rating team evaluates each hole using the USGA Course Rating™ System. Most of the the team’s time is spent measuring distances to various obstacles from specific landing zones based on shot parameters. After rating the obstacles, the rating team may also play the golf course to gain greater insight from a playing perspective, and to clarify any doubts or questions that may arise on specific holes or shots.
All raters, both new and experienced, are required to attend a rating seminar every four years. Seminars are offered each year at various locations across Texas and are required for those interested in becoming TGA Course Rating volunteers.
The opportunity for a volunteer to enter the course rating program depends upon the availability of a position on a team in the geographic region where the volunteer resides. If no positions are currently available, applicants are added to a waiting list.
As openings develop, invitations are extended to those on the waiting list who have indicated a strong interest. To maintain skills, it is important that raters be given the opportunity to rate at least six courses each year. Because of this, it may be necessary to limit the number of new raters in a specific region to be trained each year.
Volunteers who are interested in training to become a course rater should contact Shona DeMint at 972-685-1292 or via email at sdemint@txga.org.
Championship Volunteer
Championship volunteers help administer over 300 days of competition each year, including 20 regional and statewide TGA championships, major college tournaments, and more than 75 days of TGA and USGA® qualifying. All volunteers serve renewable one-year terms. Attendance and performance are reviewed annually and must be approved for renewal by the TGA Championship Committee. Championship volunteers are designated to one of the following categories: General Volunteer, Referee or Rules Committee Member based on experience.
General Volunteers
General volunteers serve as hosts, marshals, starters, pace-of-play officials, scoring officials, and other roles at each event. It is a great opportunity to gain valuable behind- the-scenes experience in all facets of golf administration. All new volunteers, no matter their level of experience, will be assigned a mentor for their first few events or until they are comfortable operating on their own.
Referees provide on-course assistance to players with regards to the Rules of Golf and pace of play. Referees are appointed based on their knowledge of the Rules of Golf and their experience in officiating. A passion for and comprehension of the Rules of Golf are a must to become a Referee.
Rules Committee Members
Championship volunteers who have successfully demonstrated their willingness to serve, and who meet the specified criteria, are eligible for appointment to the TGA Rules Committee.
Members of the Rules Committee are appointed on a calendar-year basis and must fulfill the following requirements:
A) Attended a USGA/PGA Rules of Golf Workshop in the last two years and achieved an Expert Status within the Rules of Golf.
B) Volunteered a minimum of 10 days with the Texas Golf Association.
Rules Committee Members perform special duties such as being assigned as a walking Referee or a Referee in a match, and may receive personal invitations to serve at selected events throughout the season. Rules Committee Members serve renewable one-year terms. Attendance and performance are reviewed annually and must be approved for renewal by the TGA Championship Committee.
Course Rating™
Apply to become a Course Rating volunteer
Questions about course rating? Email Shona DeMint at sdemint@txga.org.

Step 1: Registration
Contact Ash Hellerstedt at ahellerstedt@txga.org or 214-468-8942 to be set up on the volunteer registration page.
Step 2: Orientation and
Once your volunteer profile is created by the TGA, we will coordinate a day for you to partner with an experienced Championship Volunteer or staff member in your area of desired interest. You will observe first-hand what it takes to conduct the finest championships in the state. New volunteers are encouraged to attend a Volunteer Training Seminar at the beginning of each year to learn Policies and Procedures.
The monthly TGA Volunteer Newsletter includes important Championship details such as upcoming tournaments, dates, sites, and volunteer opportunities. It also includes TGA and USGA updates, news, feature stories, and Rules of Golf education.
To receive the Volunteer Newsletter, please email Preston Gilmore, Championship Communications Coordinator, at pgilmore@txga.org.
Course Rating
Apply to become a Course Rating Volunteer
Questions about course rating? Email Shona DeMint at sdemint@txga.org.

Step 1: Registration
Contact Ash Hellerstedt at ahellerstedt@txga.org or 214-468-8942 to be set up on the volunteer registration page.
Step 2: Orientation/Observation
Once your volunteer profile is created by the TGA, we will coordinate a day for you to partner with an experienced Championship Volunteer or staff member in your area of desired interest. You will observe first-hand what it takes to conduct the finest championships in the state. New volunteers are encouraged to attend a Volunteer Training Seminar at the beginning of each year to learn Policies and Procedures.
The monthly TGA Volunteer Newsletter includes important Championship details such as upcoming tournaments, dates, sites, and volunteer opportunities. It also includes TGA and USGA updates, news, feature stories, and Rules of Golf education.
To receive the Volunteer Newsletter, please email Preston Gilmore, Championship Communications Coordinator, at pgilmore@txga.org.
Each year, the Texas Golf Association recognizes volunteers throughout the state for their tireless support and dedication to the game of golf. These honored individuals donate their time and experience for the love of golf and the promotion and preservation of the true spirit of the game.
Volunteer awards are given out at the the Texas Amateur, the most prestigious Texas Golf Association Championship.
2024 | Pam Murray | Richardson | Bob Wells Award |
2023 | Jeff Petterson | Fort Worth | North Texas Volunteer of the Year |
2023 | Dana Laine | Houston | South Texas Volunteer of the Year |
2023 | Dan Rovello | Farmers Branch | Course Rating Volunteer of the Year |
2022 | Ken Renwick | Dallas | North Texas Volunteer of the Year |
2022 | Ed Rapp | Montgomery | South Texas Volunteer of the Year |
2021 | Carey Schulten | Dallas | Bob Wells Award |
2021 | Richard Bargon | Plano | North Texas Volunteer of the Year |
2021 | Craig Branson | Fair Oaks Ranch | South Texas Volunteer of the Year |
2020 | Jim Brown | Dallas | Bob Wells Award |
2020 | Robert Woodward | Dallas | North Texas Volunteer of the Year |
2020 | Steve Suhey | Horseshoe Bay | South Texas Volunteer of the Year |
2019 | Sis Singletary | Houston | Bob Wells Award |
2019 | Chuck Flowers | Wylie | North Texas Volunteer of the Year |
2019 | Roger Davis | Spring | South Texas Volunteer of the Year |
2018 | Jon Bradley | Fairview | North Texas Volunteer of the Year |
2018 | Mike Lonergan | New Braunfels | South Texas Volunteer of the Year |
2018 | Denny Wood | Montgomery | LJT Volunteer of the Year |
2017 | C. Malcolm Holland | Dallas | Bob Wells Award |
2017 | Jason Smith | Paris | North Texas Volunteer of the Year |
2017 | Jack Grimes | Richmond | South Texas Volunteer of the Year |
2017 | Chuck Flowers | Wylie | LJT Volunteer of the Year |
2016 | Micky Jones | Odessa | Bob Wells Award |
2016 | Ken Anderson | Lantana | North Texas Volunteer of the Year |
2016 | Nick Bramlett | Houston | South Texas Volunteer of the Year |
2016 | Rex Aymond | Austin | LJT Volunteer of the Year |
2015 | Susan Knox | Crockett | Bob Wells Award |
2015 | Marion Dantzler | McKinney | North Texas Volunteer of the Year |
2015 | AJ Cortez | Houston | South Texas Volunteer of the Year |
2015 | Carey Schulten | Dallas | LJT Volunteer of the Year |
2014 | Chris and Cathy Holland | Houston | Bob Wells Award |
2014 | Mike McCall | Southlake | North Texas Volunteer of the Year |
2014 | Peggy Spann | Houston | South Texas Volunteer of the Year |
2014 | Woody Fail | Conroe | LJT Volunteer of the Year |
2013 | Doug Chandler | Lufkin | North Texas Volunteer of the Year |
2013 | Paul Marchand | Bryan | South Texas Volunteer of the Year |
2013 | Nick Bramlett | Houston | LJT Volunteer of the Year |
2012 | DR Richardson | Benbrook | North Texas Volunteer of the Year |
2012 | Rick Turner | Houston | South Texas Volunteer of the Year |
2012 | Doug Chandler | Lufkin | LJT Volunteer of the Year |
2011 | Charles Milstead | Houston | Bob Wells Award |
2011 | Rex Aymond | Dallas | North Texas Volunteer of the Year |
2011 | Bobby Grabstald | Houston | South Texas Volunteer of the Year |
2011 | Jim Brown | Dallas | LJT Volunteer of the Year |
2010 | Allen Winters | Waco | Bob Wells Award |
2010 | Jim Brown | Dallas | North Texas Volunteer of the Year |
2010 | Rich Waisley | San Antonio | South Texas Volunteer of the Year |
2010 | Carey Schulten | Dallas | LJT Volunteer of the Year |
2009 | John Semander | Houston | Bob Wells Award |
2009 | Carey Schulten | Dallas | North Texas Volunteer of the Year |
2009 | Woody Fail | Conroe | South Texas Volunteer of the Year |
2008 | Win Padgett | Dallas | Bob Wells Award |
2008 | Michael Stuart | Dallas | North Texas Volunteer of the Year |
2008 | Gene Riley | Pipe Creek | South Texas Volunteer of the Year |
2007 | AJ Triggs | Tyler | Bob Wells Award |
2007 | Bill Hanley | Fort Worth | North Texas Volunteer of the Year |
2007 | Nancy Semander & Sylvia Wailes | Houston | South Texas Volunteers of the Year |
2006 | Bob Romero | Irving | Bob Wells Award |
2006 | AJ Triggs | Tyler | North Texas Volunteer of the Year |
2006 | Ralph Myers | San Antonio | South Texas Volunteer of the Year |
2005 | Bob Voelzke | Dallas | Bob Wells Award |
2005 | Bob Romero | Irving | North Texas Volunteer of the Year |
2005 | John Semander | Houston | South Texas Volunteer of the Year |
As a championship volunteer, you are expected to be a good team member by doing your assigned job, helping your peers when you can and leaving things better than you found them. Always know what you are trying to accomplish with each project or assignment, but do not assume anything. Not knowing the answer to a question is not a bad thing, but giving the wrong information is. If you don’t know, ask a staff member for the correct answer. Through all of the long hours and hard work, it is important that you have fun and enjoy the team atmosphere.
TGA Championships – Representing the Association
As a championship volunteer, you will be put in front of our members on a regular basis and it is important to know how to present yourself. You are a TGA representative for the entire time you are on-site and you should conduct yourself in a positive and professional manner throughout.
Outside Events
TGA volunteers should feel free to accept invitations to be officials at outside events that are not administered by the TGA. In this case, volunteers are acting as individuals and not representatives of the TGA unless requested to do so.
The Texas Golf Association understands that being a championship volunteer is a time-consuming commitment and can require a significant amount of travel. It’s important all volunteers take time to plan out their personal volunteer schedule as to not disrupt their personal life and avoid being worn down from the demanding schedule. It is an expectation that championship volunteers will serve at state/regional championships in their home area whenever possible to fulfill their commitment to the TGA.
Staff Communication
Communication between staff members and volunteers is the key to making our operations run smoothly and consistently. If a question is asked of you by a player, club staff, etc., and you have any doubt whatsoever, please ask a TGA staff member for confirmation. Any significant Rules of Golf situation should be relayed to a TGA staff person before action is taken to ensure the situation is handled consistently with similar occurrences.
Apparel is an important part of portraying a professional appearance on-site. Championship volunteers are expected to wear apparel with the TGA/LJT logo (no other association logos should be worn). When worn, uniforms should be clean and neat (ironed) at all times. There is also the opportunity to earn additional apparel throughout the year at different championships. For all TGA Competitions, the Official in Charge (OIC) will be responsible for designating and communicating the assigned apparel to volunteers scheduled to work that event. Men should not wear shorts while working onsite at a competition, which includes set up and practice round days.
Personal Health
The championship season can be both physically and mentally demanding, so it is important to take the necessary precautions. You often will be enduring long hours, extended travel, and exposure to the outside elements. It is important to pay attention to your diet while on-site at championships. Please keep the TGA staff aware of any health issues that you may have, so the necessary precautions and considerations can be made. Health is an important part of holding up your commitment to the team.
While on site for championships, meals are provided by the TGA. While on site, it is expected that you eat during a break or downtime. If you leave your assignment to eat, it’s important to coordinate with the rover or other staff members to make sure there are not any gaps. In most cases, you will need your volunteer credentials to charge to the TGA master account. Please remember to charge your food/beverage correctly in order to avoid later accounting issues.
Sun Exposure
As a championship volunteer you spend a lot of time exposed to weather elements. Much of the year, the biggest concern will be sun exposure and extreme heat. It is important to wear sun block, a hat and sunglasses to reduce sun exposure. Staying cool can become an ongoing battle. Staying hydrated by drinking lots of water and other liquids and taking breaks indoors are essential to fighting the summer heat.
Volunteer Categories
General Volunteers serve as hosts, marshals, starters, pace-of-play officials, scoring officials and have many other important roles at each event. It is a great opportunity to gain valuable behind-the-scenes experience in all facets of golf administration.
Referees: Provide on-course assistance to players with regards to the Rules of Golf and pace of play. Referees are appointed by the TGA based on their knowledge of the Rules of Golf and their experience in officiating. A passion for and comprehension of the Rules of Golf are a must to become a Rules Officials.
Rules Committee Members: Championship volunteers who have successfully demonstrated their willingness to serve, and who meet the specified criteria, are eligible for appointment to the TGA Rules Committee.
Members of the Rules Committee are appointed on a calendar-year basis and must fulfill the following requirements:
A) Attended a USGA/PGA Rules of Golf Workshop in the last two years and achieved an Expert Status within the Rules of Golf.
B) Volunteered a minimum of 10 days with the Texas Golf Association.
Rules Committee Members perform special duties such as being assigned as a walking Referee or a Referee in a match, and may receive personal invitations to serve at selected events throughout the season. Rules Committee Members serve renewable one-year terms. Attendance and performance are reviewed annually and must be approved for renewal by the TGA Championship Committee.
Course Rating
Course Rating Introduction: The TGA rates Member Club and Non-Member Club courses in accordance with the United States Golf Association (USGA) Course and Slope Rating System. The USGA requires that all new golf courses be rated after five years. All courses must be re-rated every 10 years. Utilizing regional teams of raters located throughout Texas, the TGA rates approximately 70 to 95 courses annually. Precise course and slope ratings are provided for each set of tees so that all golfers can enjoy the benefits of an accurate and equitable handicap system. Whether or not you are a TGA Member Club, if you are interested in having your course rated, please contact Shona DeMint, Course Rating Manager at 214.468.8942 or via email at sdemint@txga.org for more information.
Club Liaison
In 2005, the Texas Golf Association’s Board of Directors initiated the Club Liaison Program. The purpose of the program is to bring about greater communication and coordination between the TGA and its member clubs. Working together, we believe this new program will assist in making the TGA stronger and more responsive to the needs and concerns of its members. The liaison is an intermediary, providing a conduit in which information and feedback can flow freely between the TGA and the member club. They are copied on all upcoming activities, whether it is an educational seminar or the latest news and updates from the Handicap, Course Rating or Rules and Competitions department, so they can disseminate the information throughout their club and make sure that important material is prominently displayed. The delegates also provide a wealth of information to the TGA from the club’s perspective regarding any current issues or trends it is facing.
The Role of the TGA Club Liaison:
- Familiarize themselves with the Association’s programs.
- Acquaint the club’s leadership with the Association’s purpose and programs.
- Encourage club officials such as the handicap, rules and green committee chairman to attend appropriate TGA educational seminars that are held annually throughout the state.
- Promote club awareness of various TGA programs and identify strategies for increasing overall membership understanding.
- Encourage club members to participate in TGA competitions. Provide important feedback to the TGA about concerns or questions the club might have.
If your club does not currently have a liaison or if you would like to learn more about the program please contact the main office of the Texas Golf Association at 214.468.8942.