TGA Member’s Cup

Date: October 9-10
Host Club: Lajitas Golf Resort
TGA Staff Contact: Brian Fry, Director of Foundation and Outreach

Match Play in the Texas Desert!

Don’t miss out on our first ever TGA Member’s Cup!  An exciting two-day match play event on the Black Jack’s Crossing Golf Course at the beautiful Lajitas Golf Resort.  If this is not on your bucket list, it should be!




Our first ever TGA Member’s Cup, a “Ryder Cup” style competition, will be held at Lajitas Golf Resort on the beautiful Black Jack’s Crossing golf course.  Golfweek, the leader in golf course rankings, ranks Black Jack’s Crossing the #1 Course You Can Play in Texas#38 Resort Course in the USA and the Dallas Morning News has ranked Black Jack’s Crossing the #1 Course You Can Play in Texas since 2013! Texas Outside ranked Black Jack’s Crossing the “Number One Resort Course in Texas” and Golf Magazine calls Black Jack’s Crossing the “Most Beautiful Course in Texas”.  Experience incredible scenic views of Big Bend and the Rio Grande on this unique Texas golf course.

General Information

Date: October 9-10, 2025 (Players need to arrive on the 8th as the first round starts first thing on the morning of the 9th)
Host Club: Lajitas Golf Resort
Address: 21071 FM 170 Lajitas, Texas 79852
Phone: 432-424-5000
TGA Staff Contact: Brian Fry, Director of Foundation and Outreach

Entry & Eligibility Information

Entries Open: February 6, 2025 at 9:00 am.  Entries open to men, women, and mixed teams.
Entries Close:  When full
Entry Fee: $2,300 per pair ($1,150 per golfer).  Golfers must register as pairs to facilitate lodging.  This includes two competition rounds, tee gifts, and two nights lodging.

Withdraw Deadline: June 1st, 2025 at 9:00 AM.  Our lodging must be secured by this date so this is your last date to withdraw/cancel.  Please see Cancellation/Withdrawal Procedures below.

Registration Link  Click here

Accommodations:  Lodging is included in the entry fee.

Travel to Lajitas:  There are multiple ways to get to Lajitas.  If you are leaving from Dallas you can fly direct by using JSX Resort Air Services. To fly JSX the cost is $1,199 per person.  We have some seats blocked out for TGA Members who wish to use JSX.  When booking airfare with JSX be sure to tell them you are playing with the TGA. Golfers can also fly commercial into Midland (280 miles from Lajitas), El Paso (300 miles from Lajitas), and Ausitn (500 Miles from Lajitas) and then rent a car.  Also you have the option of driving to Lajitas.

Eligibility: Entries are open to male and female amateur golfers residing in Texas. You must be a TGA member and have a GHIN handicap.

Entry Procedure: The field will be established in the order in which entries are received. These entries will be accepted into the field in the order in which they were received.

Championship Information

Format/Field Size: The field is limited to 30 players. The tournament is match play. Day one will be a 2-person best ball (four ball) match play and day two will be singles matches.  Scoring for both days will be net.

Cancellation/Withdrawal Procedure: Prior to the entry deadline players looking to withdraw should do so online through their Golf Genius user profile or by contacting the TGA Staff Contact directly. After the entry deadline has passed players should either call the Texas Golf Association at (214) 468-8942 or email the TGA Staff Contact directly. If you cancel after 9:00 a.m. on June 1, 2025, you are subject to losing your entry fee, unless we can fill the spot. We must guarantee players to the club at that time. However, we might have a wait list and will do our best to fill your spot.

Transportation: Cart fees are included in the players’ entry fee. Players must take a cart.


Wednesday, October 8th
Players arrive (room check-in is 3:00 pm)
Player Registration – time and location to be determined

Pairings party – time and location to be determined

Thursday, October 9th
Two-Person Best Ball (Four Ball) Matches begin (AM tee time start)

Friday, October 10th
Single Matches begin (AM tee time start)
Following Play – Awards Ceremony

Room check-out is 11:00 am


Tournament Updates

World Handicap System™ Survey

World Handicap System™ Survey

The R&A and the USGA have put together a survey about the World Handicap System (WHS™) and you are invited to participate. Your honest feedback and insights are invaluable to the ongoing review of the Rules of Handicapping™ and the Course Rating System™, which...

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Lajitas Golf Resort, 21071 FM 170 Lajitas, Texas 79852


Lajitas Golf Resort, 21071 FM 170 Lajitas, Texas 79852

Tournament Updates

World Handicap System™ Survey

World Handicap System™ Survey

The R&A and the USGA have put together a survey about the World Handicap System (WHS™) and you are invited to participate. Your honest feedback and insights are invaluable to the ongoing review of the Rules of Handicapping™ and the Course Rating System™, which...

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