General Information

Date: March 28-30, 2025
Host Club: White Bluff Resort – Old Course
Address: Highway 933, Whitney, Texas 76692
Phone:  (254) 694-9276

TGA Staff Contact: Brian Fry, Director of Foundation and Outreach

Entry & Eligibility Information

Entries Open: January 23, 2025 at 9:00 AM
Entries Close / Withdraw Deadline: Until Full – Entries still open
Entry Fee: $640 per two-person team

Registration Link  Click here

Entry Fee: $640 per two-person team. This includes a practice round, two competition rounds, tee gifts, welcome dinner and reception on Friday, grab and go breakfast Saturday and Sunday.

Accomodations:  Contact Billie Kay Fields at 254-332-0228 to reserve your rooms at the resort.

Eligibility: Entries are open to male and female amateur golfers residing in Texas. You must be a TGA member and have a Handicap Index™.

Entry Procedure: The field will be established in the order in which entries are received. These entries will be accepted into the field in the order in which they were received.

Championship Information

Format/Field Size: The field is limited to 50 teams. The tournament is two separate formats. One day will be a 2-person best ball and the other day will be a 2-person scramble. In a Scramble format, both players hit a shot, select the better shot and repeat the process until the ball is holed. In the Best Ball format, each player plays their own ball the entire round.  Players handicap index will be capped at a maximum of 36.  The handicap index difference between playing partners will be capped at a maximum of 15.

Practice Round Information: Friday, March 28th.

Cancellation/Withdrawal Procedure: Prior to the entry deadline players looking to withdraw should do so online through their Golf Genius user profile or by contacting the TGA Staff Contact directly. After the entry deadline has passed players should either call the Texas Golf Association at (214) 468-8942 or email the TGA Staff Contact directly. If you cancel after 9:00 a.m. on March 5th, you are subject to losing your entry fee, unless we can fill the spot. We must guarantee players to the club at that time.

Transportation: Cart fees are included in the players’ entry fee. Players must take a cart.

Policies & Procedures

To ensure competitors the best experience at all Texas Golf Association (TGA) events, it is helpful to be knowledgeable of TGA Policies & Procedures

Texas Two-Step Notice for players


Friday, March 28
9:00 AM – Official Practice Rounds Begin at the Old Course
10:00 AM – 2:00 PM – Player Registration at the Old Course Clubhouse
6:00-8:00 PM – Player Welcome Dinner at the New Course Club House

Saturday, March 29
9:00 AM – Round 1 Begins (Shotgun Start) at the Old Course

Sunday, March 30
9:00 AM – Round 2 Begins (Shotgun Start) at the Old Course
Following Play – Awards Ceremony


Tournament Updates

Regional Four-Balls Set for Feb. 22-23

Regional Four-Balls Set for Feb. 22-23

The TGA's 2025 men’s tournament schedule kicks off with the North and South Regional Four-Ball Championships. The season openers will be held concurrently from Feb. 22-23. Stonetree Golf Club in Killeen will host the North Regional Four-Ball, while Eagle Pointe Golf...

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20022 Misty Valley Circle Whitney, TX 76692

254.694.9276 | Website


20022 Misty Valley Circle Whitney, TX 76692

254.694.9276 | Website

Tournament Updates

World Handicap System™ Survey

World Handicap System™ Survey

The R&A and the USGA have put together a survey about the World Handicap System (WHS™) and you are invited to participate. Your honest feedback and insights are invaluable to the ongoing review of the Rules of Handicapping™ and the Course Rating System™, which...

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